Five senses. Sense of sight, sense of smell, sense of touch, sense of taste and sense of hearing. Aristotle did this wonderful traditional classification of our sensory organs. That man was a true genius. But today we are not going to talk about him. Today we are going to talk about a thing we call ‘sensation’. One word, which could mean so many different things. But in different forms, sensation is all we seek in life. Some seek it through the taste of a sensational exotic drink, some may be through watching beautiful women, some through a sensational touch that reaches deep beneath your skin to the veins and flows to your heart, some through sensationalized words coming in the form of gossip to fill your inner hollowness, and for some like me, through a sensational smell that flirts with your mind and teases you in a way that no sight word taste or touch can. So in one way or other we all seek sensation, we seek all five, but some dig you more than the other. Like sense of smell is the one which I dig (take a look at my blog name for instance!), it’s my turn on, my turn off, my meditation and tranquility, it’s my way of defining beauty and the beast. But there are always exceptions, because human beings are weird creatures. And it is possible that there are people residing right among us whose biggest apprehension is about controlling their sensation and strangely enough there are also the kind who’d eye the ones that seek any sensation as though the seekers have committed the biggest crime of the century. But who listens to whom, life doesn’t stop. Within reason your attitude towards life is your own deal, seek all five or develop a sixth one. Human beings are weird creatures after all, anything can happen.

I scored 14 in the test below. What does that make me? I am not telling! Finish yours and find out.
Are You a Sensation Seeker?
A Self-Test
Answer each question according to the way you feel. Answer true if it is at least somewhat true for you. Answer false if it is not very true or not at all true for you.
T F If it were safe, I would like to take a drug that would cause me to have strange new experiences.
T F I can become almost painfully bored in some conversations.
T F I would rather go to a new place I may not like than go back again to a place I know I like.
T F I would like to try a sport that creates a physical thrill, like skiing, rock climbing, or surfing.
T F I get restless if I stay home for long.
T F I don't like waiting with nothing to do.
T F I rarely watch a movie more than once.
T F I enjoy the unfamiliar.
T F If I see something unusual, I will go out of my way to check it out.
T F I get bored spending time with the same people everyday.
T F My friends say it is hard to predict what I will want to do.
T F I like to explore a new area.
T F I avoid having a daily routine.
T F I am drawn to art that gives me an intense experience.
T F I like substances that make me feel "high."
T F I prefer friends who are unpredictable.
T F I look forward to being in a place that is new and strange to me.
T F To me, if I am spending the money to travel, the more foreign the country the better.
T F I would like to be an explorer.
T F I enjoy it when someone makes an unexpected sexual joke or comment that starts everyone laughing a little nervously.
Scoring the Sensation Seeker Self Test
If you answered true to 11 or more of the questions, you're probably a sensation seeker. If you answered true to 7 or less of the questions, you are probably not a sensation seeker. If you answered true to 8, 9, or 10 of the questions, you are probably somewhere in between on sensation seeking.
If you answered true to 13 or more of the questions, you're probably a sensation seeker. If you answered true to 9 or less of the questions, you are probably not a sensation seeker. If you answered true to 10, 11, or 12 of the questions, you are probably somewhere in between on sensation seeking.
© Copyright 2006 by Elaine Aron, Ph.D.