Now I am in the segment of time where everything is done. Exams are done. Sham and Terri’s reside in Australia is done. Tintin and Ronny bhai’s marriage is done. Shifting to a new room is done. And moreover writing this journal entry which I have been so recklessly avoiding to is about to be done as well. Well things stay interesting till they are undone. Once they are done there’s no excitement left. Last few days I couldn’t actually study but only imagined how blissfully I am going to spend these three months of holiday. But now as it has started all my imaginations and plans have moved out of my mind. Anyway, today passed a whole lot of the evening with Nancy and Tash. Then came home at 8, called Juhi, talked for a while, had dinner, checked a number of mails that had been mounting up all these busy days, and finally thought of putting an entry here. Tonight Sunny might be home late coz he has this performance in a concert. So I can be with the pc for a few more hours. Now thinking of watching a movie. These days I miss Happy like anything. Can’t avoid thinking that if she were alive she would have enjoyed these relaxed time as well. A year has already gone without her being around me, doesn’t feel odd any longer. But I truly miss her. [pic* Terri's uni- LaTrobe University, Bandoora, Australia]