The Ménage

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good times are over, good times have started. Back to full fledged classes, back to meeting friends more often. So ‘good times over’ crossed out ‘good time’s start’ and now I feel neutral. I won’t lie this neutral feeling has a lot to do with few other things. Few other things that if didn’t happen I would be a little better than neutral. I won’t write about it today, I have a habit of living in denial, I don’t talk about the bad units of my life, it has no voice, I never acknowledge it, and gradually persuade myself that it never happened. I won’t say it’s the healthiest technique out there but hell it has worked wonders in my case. So let’s make this post about my university. I like my university, but I was never one of those people who would stay all day and night in uni out of choice, who’d join in every single club and actively participate in any sort of interactions or the shows or carnivals that keep on running. I am not a social person, and I have a fabulous life outside NSU, that is my university, and the few genuine friends I made in my years here are never subjugated to NSU in any way. We never needed bound times to bind us together. They know I vanish every now and then, and they are not only aware of my hibernation but are as well compliant with it, they have complied with my bad units.
Here are some photos of the little place many call home and I call a ménage J


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