Musings of a night

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Have you stepped outside today? You don’t need to, just remember to keep the windows open tonight. You won’t need street lights to see the dandy dance of the leaves of that colossus tree that never gives flowers but has been fending for years right there facing your balcony. Her green leaves turn black at night, under those old fashioned yellow sodium street lights. But tonight they will stay green, I think green is their favourite colour, why else would they be dancing this way? Besides they must have guessed about the full moon’s dramatic reappearance tonight, and hence they have been dancing in day-light, happy knowing they will stay green for a little longer than usual, happy knowing at the impeding day-light there’s moonlight to serve them and to keep them green. Moonlight is their savior, breeze is their party. And this party will run till the new moon arrives and the green leaves turn black again. Their moon isn’t going anywhere, ours is, ours does. Our moon is uncertain, it may not arrive within a month and we may stay black forever. And we are not as simple as those leaves, our happiness is dearly won, we don’t party unless there’s a moon, breezes don’t mean enough. Our moon is our covetousness and our breeze are those little happiness, little reasons to smile everyday. Let’s all turn into leaves and dance, with or without the moon and learn to appreciate the breeze, wouldn't that be nice.


  1. Anonymous said...:

    Full moon, Brish...

    And this time I got to know how beautiful it is reflected over a river :).

  1. Nice post! And the breeze certainly is lovely these days :-)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    "Our moon is uncertain, it may not arrive within a month and we may stay black forever. And we are not as simple as those leaves, our happiness is dearly won, we don’t party unless there’s a moon, breezes don’t mean enough. Our moon is our covetousness and our breeze are those little happiness, little reasons to smile everyday. Let’s all turn into leaves and dance, with or without the moon and learn to appreciate the breeze, wouldn't that be nice."

    What are your literary influences, Brishti?I can't remember the last time I read something so powerful - and yet so silky and easy. Sorry for my crass expressions, I'm no wordsmith. But this one really was put amazingly, I think I'll bookmark it, and come back for a re-read, on an actual full moon night. Oh wait, I think tonight is a full moon. Lucky break :)

  1. br|sh said...:

    so far from what I have seen you are a wordsmith yourself, in fact why don't you start blogging? I'd love to bookmark your one :)

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