Anyhow, if you ask me to give a short summary on the typical things then here they go- I went to Cox’s Bazar and it was huge fun. - My classes started a month back. And I hate every moment of it. - Tintin and Rony bhai got married - I got A+ in my board exams. – Diba apu got married. Till now the most typical thing happened in the most typical way I must mention. – Terri’s grandmother died. She really loved her. I wonder what she’ll go through once she gets to know. – And lastly I got my broadband back, but it is of no use since itz with Sunny’s pc, not mine. However, it is been ages since I took a snap of something with my cam. And I am feeling bad about it. I need to buy a filter for my cam before something happens to my lens. For now that is my primary task. These days I don’t feel like studying at all. I know itz high time I start studying, but don’t know why I can’t concentrate on anything these days. It is not that now I am into anything else. Honestly I am into nothing these days. All I do is sleep. I don’t watch movies, I don’t go out, I don’t read, I am neither online, and I stopped taking snaps too. If there is anything I am excited about right now that is the imminent election. Election is always a big deal and fun to me. Though I know this feeling doesn’t go with the present context. But anyways this is one thing which is keeping me alive and forcing me to know things happening around. Otherwise I would have stopped reading news papers too I guess.
God. Help me. I am depressed. [pic*depressed me_]