Monday, September 25, 2006
Been a long time I wrote something. Loads of things have happened within this span of time. Loads of things means actually loads of things. And most of them were totally unexpected. Some were good and some were painful. But now I feel more developed. Never thought would get to see such things in life as well. Now I know things, now I know people.
Anyhow, if you ask me to give a short summary on the typical things then here they go- I went to Cox’s Bazar and it was huge fun. - My classes started a month back. And I hate every moment of it. - Tintin and Rony bhai got married - I got A+ in my board exams. – Diba apu got married. Till now the most typical thing happened in the most typical way I must mention. – Terri’s grandmother died. She really loved her. I wonder what she’ll go through once she gets to know. – And lastly I got my broadband back, but it is of no use since itz with Sunny’s pc, not mine. However, it is been ages since I took a snap of something with my cam. And I am feeling bad about it. I need to buy a filter for my cam before something happens to my lens. For now that is my primary task. These days I don’t feel like studying at all. I know itz high time I start studying, but don’t know why I can’t concentrate on anything these days. It is not that now I am into anything else. Honestly I am into nothing these days. All I do is sleep. I don’t watch movies, I don’t go out, I don’t read, I am neither online, and I stopped taking snaps too. If there is anything I am excited about right now that is the imminent election. Election is always a big deal and fun to me. Though I know this feeling doesn’t go with the present context. But anyways this is one thing which is keeping me alive and forcing me to know things happening around. Otherwise I would have stopped reading news papers too I guess.
God. Help me. I am depressed. [pic*depressed me_]


  1. Anonymous said...:

    hi baby!

    i miss u

    tor shathe mone hoyy dosh bosor kotha hoynaa..

    we need to catch upp

    i <3 u

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Yey...this is DeV|L...I miss you too dear bhatizi. Where you at and wassup wid you?

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