Being of Heaven and Earth

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It’s raining after ages. Trickling and tapping on the window pane, while I sit in the drawing room with curtains drawn inwards to the open verandah. And the wind, oh my the wind. Mmm how long have I waited for this wind? Quite long. The time long yearning has turned me foolishly inarticulate of the improbable divinity all around me. I just wish it wasn’t dark out there, and I could meet the nimbus in the sunkissed sky exposing its diverged shapes that speaks to me. It has been a while since we two had a convo. Last time it spoke of a man with big long mustache who coughed unmannerly and grew thunders. I called him Thor en mustachioed. To sustain his propriety he apologized by bestowing an illuminated arc of coloured light in the sky. And I called it rainbow. I wish for another rainbow, I wish for another rain, in another time, may be tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, when the sky is still sunkissed, and the smell of hot morning tea hovers over the fresh scent of cool rain. I want more such days, more such nights. Because I am in love, and I am in love with my name. 

I am a being of Heaven and Earth, of thunder and lightning, of rain and wind, of the galaxies. 

put to words: a moment

Friday, October 21, 2011

Moving in circles, making a constant humming noise…

White, there’s something white, behind it. 

Black again.

….. ….
….. ….
….. ….


I hear it. That white noise, in my black world. Once again.  

….. …..
….. …..

I am having coffee, and a conversation…

both of quality…

with someone who’s wearing  s o m e t h i n g   mmm..  ‘not white’


there cant be a buzzing noise in this crowded coffee shop. It’s a people’s world….

dominated by their stories, in voices that doesn’t sound like buzzzzz. It’s more like…

“Apa dorja khulen, JHARU dimu.”

There goes my sleep.
And I need to fix this loud fan, ASAP.  

Green morning everyone!

Friday, October 14, 2011

I can’t start my morning sorry evening (contributes to my messed up sleep cycle) without a cup of green tea. I used to be a coffee lover and I still sort of am but ever since the shift to green tea instead of coffee, I feel a lot better fresher and hydrated. I usually drink Kazi and Kazi organic green tea, it’s a well reputed brand of a sprawling tea estate of Bangladesh which is also exported worldwide under the brand name Teatulia. KK Tea is the first organic tea substantially produced in Bangladesh, and the first to be certified by international certifying authorities. They also have two other flavours, tulsi tea and black tea. I love the packaging of the tea bags, it comes in a cute tiny rug! 

The acclaimed benefits of green tea are numerous. But for me the best part is it keeps me hydrated. You might think how can a single cup of green tea keep you hydrated but it actually does. On the days I have my uni there’s no water passing through my system, it’s just coke or pepsi. But I have noticed the days I make myself a cup of green tea after reaching home sweet home the dehydrated feeling lowers to quite a minimum level. Of course water is the mother of all drink but since we all drink a cup of tea or coffee anyway I think shifting to green tea is a lot healthier way to satisfy that trait. It is also rich in antioxidants and boots out headaches caused out of stress quite nicely. There are several established studies focusing on the benefits green tea against cancer and heart disease, likewise I have read somewhere that it also helps to fight obesity.

Here’s an easy green tea latte recipe for you guys,

Green Tea Latte Recipe

4 cups cold water
2 Chai tea bags
3 green tea bags
1 cup milk, chilled
4 tablespoons brown sugar or honey 

Boil water and then add both Chai and green tea bags. Seep the tea for three to five minutes, removing the bags and discarding. In ad blender, blend the milk so it is frothy. Pour the tea into individual serving cups and then to each, add 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar of honey. To the tea mixture, add frothy milk. If you like, you can sprinkle a little green tea powder or cinnamon on top.

A helpful tip when brewing green tea is to retain the flavor while not losing the health benefits. For this, I recommend you use one tea bag for each cup of water. For the water, start with cold water, bringing it to a boil. As soon as the water reaches the boil point, remove it from the heat source and let is stand for three minutes. Then, add the tea bags and allow them to seep for three to five minutes, or place a tea bag into a serving cup, pouring the boiled water on top. While this might sound elementary, you will enjoy both flavor and health benefits for green tea latte recipe by following these guidelines. 

Enjoy your morning tea! Have a good day!

Blog trouble

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I have uninstalled commentluv from my blog after it broke my template. And in return it has deleted all the comments I received in my posts since commentluv (inanimate's karma!). Well, no loss, no gain. That's life.

BUT, I have had my lesson after this. I need to get a lot better at HTML to solve any such future issues with much panache.

AND, since I am considering this as an opportunity cost I'll use this chance to change my template. Might stick to this too if I don't find anything better, this broken template's sort of nice too.. what say?

For the time being,  please bear with the random changes and improper broken widgets..

 pardon !

Tête-à-tête: N Ahmed and I

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I usually don’t develop what we call a ‘writer’s block’, what I develop is a focus block. And this often happens to me because I in general do not prefer writing about the greater part of my mind that’s really raw and running, and so the smaller part falls short sometimes and today was such a day. But someone wise once said, ‘where there’s a will there’s a way.’

 So now I will be writing about N Ahmed today.

I met her in my first semester of uni. Back then I had a different life with different people, my uni was not really a place for me to mingle, I was hooked into teaching kids and earning my own money for the first time ever. It made me feel useful and I had no time for new bonding. This was a friendship built on circumstances, we were assigned a group project together and that is how the interaction really started. My initial impression of her? Well she reminded me of a troubled teenager with erratic behaviour who had strong opinions, but the opinions were not from the psyche of that trouble teenager, on the contrary it was from the psyche of a grown up. Well in short, she amused me J. And so, the time finally came when we were euphorically done with our first successful presentation of uni life, the semester eventually ended, and so did our obligation to spend time with each other. But there’s another quote said by another wise man, "No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." And how could we deny such a wise man of his quote ?

We didn’t J. We became close friends pretty quickly actually, we were alike on many levels and completely different in some, but we got each other. She became one person I could talk to in my way (that is through saying nothing), and my thoughts were interpreted just as I wanted them to be and vice versa. This made us enjoy each other’s company and we gradually grew fonder of each other. As a person she is not exactly the warmest, there’s absolutely nothing tender about her. But this doesn’t blow her karma because of her sense of responsibility towards the things she believes in. She’d anyday kick an annoying kid to the roadside drain, and she would also offer the kid her not so kind hands when necessary. In our initial days of friendship there was one particular thing I remember that contributed a lot to how I feel about her now, there was this case where a woman failing to persuade her former husband to marry her again took revenge by throwing acid on his two minor children born to his second wife. Here’s the link to the news. The case was twisted in many ways, N Ahmed got involved to this case to a level which put herself on the line. All of this was for something she believed in, she believed she could do something for the injured child that would at least secure the child’s future if not the present.  
Another thing that I love about her is that she isn’t one of those people who just sit and wait for something to happen, she has a strong heart which isn’t entitled to support of others for bringing a thought into action. She gazes at the world with dubious eyes and doesn’t put her trust on many, other factors don’t play a role, she just chooses not to trust hominids in general. But she trusts the ones she loves. And I feel fortunate to be a part of those few, because it gave me a chance to see certain sides of her that I might otherwise have failed to notice, and that would have been a great miss. 

N Ahmed, good to know I am not missing out much. Thank you .

[Images: All N Ahmeds]

Hippo Bath-day

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This is the week for birthdays. I have 13 friends’ birthday just this week, including mine on the 1st, and many others’ throughout the October. That forced me to think what exactly is so special about October. A fellow buddy explained January is the season of winter, and so is people’s resolution to warm it up which tends to more sex and hence more kids 9 months later. Then came my brother’s explanation, who is studying Bioinformatics. He says it’s not the frequency of sexual intercourse that leads, rather various studies have found seasonal variation in sperm count and mobility to be the reason, which is significantly higher in winter. So this explains why every family has a kid born on October. 

Anyway on a different note, I didn’t do much this birthday. My boyfriend is out of town and I didn’t feel like celebrating the day without him. Might do a party later, but it’s still a ‘might’, coz I feel lazy and lately dozing off seems more convenient than being active about anything. But I do have a favour to ask you guys, suggest me a gift that I can ask for. My boyfriend has been nagging me about what he should give me, he is not that imaginative when it comes to gifts and I usually tell him what I want and he dutifully brings it to me. And it’s a fussy job to give me anything, I don’t wear ornaments, my room is a junk place and I have no place to keep things I don’t need no matter however cute they may be, so random archie hallmark stuff is winnowed out from the list. I like perfumes but he knows I have too many, he bought me a dress this eid and honestly I don’t want anymore dresses. Actually there’s nothing I want, and he doesn’t want to disappoint me. Khota doesn’t know he can’t disappoint me but it’s true he is one person who’ll know immediately if I’ve really liked something or just appreciated the gesture instead. But this time around I honestly and honestly can’t think of anything that I really need.. hmmph, seems like I have everything I want :) Help please! Make me want something!

Anjan uncle and Shangjukta auntie's gift, they are from Kolkata and came here to work on some project. The day they landed was my birthday, they remembered it and later brought me this. It was really sweet of them. 

I love the message on the card, has a lot of warmth in it.